Meet at Casa de Luz at 530, and begin your walk promptly by 545 to Lou Neff Point.
There we will setup for the sunset and meditation music!
These events are a great way to experience nature, get some exercise in, meet new people, and enjoy healing music.
* Energy Exchange
My outdoor events are donation based, suggested financial donation of $15+
Anything is greatly appreciated, even below that amount, and will not be judged
My outdoor events are donation based, suggested financial donation of $15+
Anything is greatly appreciated, even below that amount, and will not be judged

*GIVE if you CAN.
If not, come to receive and be filled up 

Financial donations help support the work I’m doing in Austin, the cost invested in my instruments and training, and help me to continue hosting these events.
OTHER accepted FORMS of donations 
I love organic food and fruits
Share a photo or post on social media about your time at the event


Share a photo or post on social media about your time at the event
Yoga mat or blanket
Optional journal